Today Lena is 6 months old. Yesterday her first tooth cut through her gums, so she has been gnawing on everything in sight. She is 27 inches long and weighs about 14.5 lbs. She can sit independently for about 15 seconds but has absolutely no interest in sitting. She rolls over both from stomach to back and back to stomach and can scoot around in circles. She can pull herself up to sitting when you give her your hands and can pull up to standing as well. She can push the buttons on her pop-up toy to make them pop-up as well as push them back in. She has gotten really good at spoon feeding. She now opens her mouth and lunges forward when offered food from the spoon. So far she has tried: rice cereal, baby oatmeal, apple puree, sweet potato puree and apple sweet potato puree. I am making carrot puree tonight in my beaba cook so she can try it tomorrow.
This is our new 37in Toshiba LCD tv! It's amazing. Our barely 2 year old Vizio broke 1 week after the warranty ran out. We will never buy Vizio again!!!