Monday, January 31, 2011

Drinking From an OPEN cup

Look at how big I am drinking from an open cup with minimal spillage!

Look at how big I am!

Eating yummy spinach salad, blueberry-blackberry-strawberry-pineapple fruit salad, seared salmon and gouda cheese! And drinking from an open cup!!!

Spoon-feeding attempt #1

Spoon-feeding attempt #2

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking Steps

Here's me taking some steps all by myself. It isn't a very good clip of me walking, but I never like to perform on cue!

Helping Mama Un-pack!

Look what I found in one of the boxes!

I sure am a big helper!

Mama's little stinker

Look what I found! KEYS!
What else is in here?
A wallet and some very important credit cards!
I have a feeling that she will be doing this when she is a teenager.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Big Milestones!

Me walking with my push car. Too bad mama couldn't catch me on video when I took my first steps.
These last two weeks I have been hitting some pretty big milestones. Two weeks ago while I was sitting in the emergency room with my nasty fever of 103.5, when I pointed to the dog in my good night scout book and said dadadag. Now I say dog when ever I see shasta or shanti and if you ask me where the dog is I point to it in my book. Also today I took MY FIRST STEPS. Mama missed it the first time but Mormor, David and Uncie Byron all saw me take 3 steps. Mama was so sad that she missed it so I took two more for her. I kept taking 1-2 steps all evening. So I will be running, hopefully mama can keep up with me.

Sunday at Mormor's

I wonder what's in here?
Don't mind if I do.

I'll take this one.

Mama, I ready to go!

Caught red-handed at the forbidden TV stand!

Mama can we go yet!
I got the keys!